Source code for uraeus.smbd.symbolic.components.bodies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jan  1 10:57:47 2019

@author: khale

# Standard library imports
import itertools

# 3rd parties library imports
import sympy as sm

# Local application imports
from .matrices import (reference_frame, vector, quatrenion, zero_matrix, 
                       A, G, E, matrix_symbol)

__all__ = ['body','ground']

[docs]class body(reference_frame): r"""A class that represents an un-constrained rigid body object in 3D in a symbolic form, where all the body parameters and equations are generated automatically in a symbolic format. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the body instance. Should mimic a valid python variable name. .. note:: An un-constraied body in space is typically defined using 6 generalized coordinates representing its' location and orientation. In cartesian coordinate system, body location is simply defined by the :math:`(x,y,z)` coordinates of a reference point on the body -normally the center-of-mass - , where the body orientation can be defined in various ways, such as the directional cosines matrix, euler-angles and euler-parameters. The package uses euler-parameters -which is a 4D unit quaternion- to represents a given body orientation in space. This makes the generalized coordinates used to fully define a body in space to be 7, instead of 6, it also adds an algebraic equation to the constraints that ensures the unity/normalization of the body quaternion. **Attributes** Attributes ---------- n : int Number of generalized coordinates used to define the body configuration. Equals 7. nc : int Number of scalar constraint equations (euler-parameters normalization). nve : int Number of vetor constraint equations (euler-parameters normalization). A : A The directional cosines matrix that represents the symbolic orientation of the body relative to the global_frame. This matrix is function of the body orientation parameters e.g. euler-parameters R : vector A symbolic matrix that represents the location of the body's reference point relative to the global origin. Rd : vector A symbolic matrix that represents the translational velocity of the body's reference point relative to the global origin. P : quatrenion A symbolic matrix that represents the orientation of the body's reference frame relative to the global frame in terms of euler-parameters. Pd : quatrenion A symbolic matrix that represents the rotaional velocity of the body's reference frame relative to the global frame in terms of euler_parameters time-derivatives. q : sympy.BlockMatrix Blockmatrix containing the position-level coordinates of the body qd : sympy.BlockMatrix Blockmatrix containing the velocity-level coordinates of the body normalized_pos_equation : sympy.MatrixExpr The normalization equation of the euler-parameters quatrenion at the position level. normalized_vel_equation : sympy.MatrixExpr The normalization equation of the euler-parameters quatrenion at the velocity level. normalized_acc_equation : sympy.MatrixExpr The normalization equation of the euler-parameters quatrenion at the acceleration level. normalized_jacobian : list (of sympy.MatrixExpr) The jacobian of the normalization equation of the euler-parameters quatrenion relative to the vector of euler-parameters. arguments_symbols : list (of symbolic objects) A list containing the symbolic mathematical objects that should be nuemrically defined by the user in a numerical simulation session. runtime_symbols : list (of symbolic objects) A list containing the symbolic mathematical objects that changes during the run-time of a nuemric simulation's "solve" method. constants_symbolic_expr : list (of sympy.Equality) A list containing sympy equalities representing the values of internal class symbolic constants that are evaluated from other symbolic expressions. constants_numeric_expr : list (of sympy.Equality) A list containing sympy equalities representing the values of internal class symbolic constants that are evaluated directly from numerical expressions. constants_symbols : list (of symbolic objects) A list containing all the symbolic mathematical objects that represent constants for the given body instance. """ n = 7 nc = 1 nve = 1 def __init__(self, name): self._name = name super().__init__(name) splited_name = name.split('.') self.id_name = ''.join(splited_name[-1]) self.prefix = '.'.join(splited_name[:-1]) self.prefix = (self.prefix+'.' if self.prefix!='' else self.prefix) format_ = (self.prefix, self.id_name) self.R = vector('%sR_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%sR_{%s}}'%format_) self.P = quatrenion('%sP_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%sP_{%s}}'%format_) self.Rd = vector('%sRd_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%s\dot{R}_{%s}}'%format_) self.Pd = quatrenion('%sPd_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%s\dot{P}_{%s}}'%format_) self.Rdd = vector('%sRdd_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%s\ddot{R}_{%s}}'%format_) self.Pdd = quatrenion('%sPdd_%s'%format_, format_as=r'{%s\ddot{P}_{%s}}'%format_) self.A = A(self.P) self.G = G(self.P) self.E = E(self.P) self.normalized_pos_equation = (self.P.T*self.P) - sm.Identity(1) self.normalized_vel_equation = zero_matrix(1,1) self.normalized_acc_equation = 2*(self.Pd.T*self.Pd) self.normalized_jacobian = [zero_matrix(1, 3), 2*self.P.T] self.m = sm.symbols('m_%s'%self.id_name) self.M = matrix_symbol('%sM_%s'%format_, 3, 3, r'{%s{M}_{%s}}'%format_) self.Jbar = matrix_symbol('%sJbar_%s'%format_, 3, 3, r'{%s\bar{J}_{%s}}'%format_) self.J = 4 * G(self.P).T * self.Jbar * G(self.P) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def q(self): return sm.BlockMatrix([[self.R], [self.P]]) @property def qd(self): return sm.BlockMatrix([[self.Rd], [self.Pd]]) @property def qdd(self): return sm.BlockMatrix([[self.Rdd], [self.Pdd]]) @property def arguments_symbols(self): return [self.R, self.P, self.Rd, self.Pd, self.Rdd, self.Pdd, self.m, self.Jbar] @property def runtime_symbols(self): return [self.R, self.P, self.Rd, self.Pd, self.Rdd, self.Pdd] @property def constants_symbolic_expr(self): massmatrix = sm.Eq(self.M, self.m*sm.Identity(3)) return [massmatrix] @property def constants_numeric_expr(self): return [] @property def constants_symbols(self): constants_expr = itertools.chain(self.constants_symbolic_expr, self.constants_numeric_expr) return [expr.lhs for expr in constants_expr]
class ground(body): """ A representation of the gorund as a special case of the body class. This adds the needed constraint equations that makes the ground fixed in the global reference frame. """ n = 7 nc = 7 nve = 2 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): name = 'ground' return super().__new__(cls, name) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): name = 'ground' super().__init__(name) self.P_ground = quatrenion('Pg_%s', format_as=r'{Pg_{%s}}' self.normalized_pos_equation = sm.BlockMatrix([[self.R], [self.P-self.P_ground]]) self.normalized_vel_equation = sm.BlockMatrix([[zero_matrix(3,1)],[zero_matrix(4,1)]]) self.normalized_acc_equation = sm.BlockMatrix([[zero_matrix(3,1)],[zero_matrix(4,1)]]) self.normalized_jacobian = sm.BlockMatrix([[sm.Identity(3), zero_matrix(3,4)], [zero_matrix(4,3), sm.Identity(4)]]) @property def arguments_symbols(self): return [] @property def constants_numeric_expr(self): position = sm.Eq(self.R, sm.Matrix([0,0,0])) expr1 = sm.Eq(self.P, sm.Matrix([1,0,0,0])) expr2 = sm.Eq(self.P_ground, sm.Matrix([1,0,0,0])) mass = sm.Eq(self.m, sm.Float(1)) iner = sm.Eq(self.Jbar, sm.eye(3,3)) return [position, expr1, expr2, mass, iner] ############################################################################### ###############################################################################